Annual Sustainability
Report 2021-2022


Welcome to our Annual Sustainability Report 2021-2022. This is the new digital public report about the performance and impact of our sustainability programme at the University of Gloucestershire.

The report communicates the positive sustainability impact we have through learning, research and collaboration, and our ongoing work to reduce the negative environmental impacts of running our University.

This report begins a new reporting phase as we start delivery on our third cross-cutting Sustainability Strategy for the period 2022-2027.

Sustainability is one of four overall Ambitions of our University Strategic Plan 2022-2027 and has been a core Value of the University since 2010. 

Our report is compiled with input from senior managers, academic teams, students and partners, and the images you see here are our actual activities and the people who led them. Its content reflects the concerns and interests of our key stakeholder groups, which include our executive, students, academic and professional staff, local communities, regional and international partners, and University Council as our governing body.

An overview summary of the headline data and performance highlights from this report is available:

Highlight achievements

Carbon Targets
90/100 score Leading the Way status in new SOS-UK carbon targets ranking
New Gloucester Campus
Release of our third cross-cutting Sustainability Strategy 2022-2027
Green Gown highly commended
Highly Commended in 2 UK Green Gown awards for reporting and business learning partnerships
UN SDG Learn
First University to feature on UN SDG Learn sustainability courses learning platform
Fair Trade University Award
Accreditation award of Fairtrade University status through the Fairtrade Foundation
Immersive training

Immersive training event with Cheltenham Education Partnership schools

The University is a designated Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) in sustainability education, acknowledged by the United Nations University. As RCE Severn part of our programme supports public engagement and learning partnerships in sustainability for mutual benefit.

Governance of sustainability

This report enables public scrutiny of our performance and is part of our externally audited Environmental Management System (EMS) accredited to ISO 14001:2015.  This ensures we meet quality standards, maintain compliance obligations and monitor continual improvement.

The report contains our top risks and priority challenges, linked to our EMS performance improvement targets and the main material impacts arising from our operations. It also spotlights the critical material impact of integrating sustainability into student development and academic activities, bringing positive benefits and capacity building to wider industries and professions.

Our governance system includes internal oversight, through an annual programme review process that also feeds into annual planning and priority setting across wider university teams. The report is reviewed and approved by University Executive and University Council prior to its release.

The objectives of our strategy and EMS are aligned into one governance approach that includes:

Annual internal and external audit cycles linked to ISO 14001 accreditation

Adherence to the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) protocols

Internal monitoring via University operating plan and Sustainability business plan

Local risk registers and tracking of objectives delivered by specific university departments

Sustainability Performance Review annually, chaired by our sustainability executive lead

Annual meeting with the University Council to review performance and plans

Our people

Total Students:
6,838 FTE

Total Staff:
938 FTE

team roles:

Student team

Our footprint

Gross Internal Area (GIA): 88,932 m2

Site Locations: 4 in Cheltenham; 1 in Gloucester

Reporting on the UN Global Goals

This report meets our annual reporting commitments on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as an institutional signatory to the tertiary sector SDG Accord.

Throughout this annual report, we record how the actions and results shown in this report contribute to the delivery of the UN SDGs. The actions on this page contribute to the specific goals marked below. For more information click here.

The Global Goals - No Poverty
The Global Goals - Zero Hunger
The Global Goals - Good health and well-being
The Global Goals - Quality Education
The Global Goals - Gender equality
The Global Goals - Clean water and sanitation
The Global Goals - Affordable and clean energy
The Global Goals - Decent work and economic growth
The Global Goals - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
The Global Goals - Reduced Inequalities
The Global Goals - Sustainable cities and communities
The Global Goals - Responsible consumption and production
The Global Goals - Climate action
The Global Goals - Life below water
The Global Goals - Life on land
The Global Goals - Peace and justice, strong institutions
The Global Goals - Partnerships for the goals
The Global Goals: For Sustainable Development