RCE Global Movement
RCE Severn is part of a learning and partnership network of over 150 RCEs across the world, sharing good practice and building capacity at regional, national and international levels with other RCEs.
This global RCE network is co-ordinated by the United Nations University’s Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) in Japan. The RCEs aim to speed up progress on sustainability through collaboration, using the power of learning to bring change through both formal and informal education and training, in any organisation or community setting.
Established in 2003, the RCE movement originally supported the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) and the Global Action Programme (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Development that launched in 2014.
Collaboration for the global goals
RCEs also focus on collaborative action to deliver on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), known as the Global Goals. These goals provide the framework for advancing social progress, economic growth and environmental protection, the ‘triple bottom line’ of sustainability.
Explore the RCE Portal to see activities in the wider RCE community.
Browse the range of RCEs across the globe across all continents.
The wider RCE network enables us to develop larger projects together that can support action in a range of countries to mutual benefit.
RCE collaboration on sustainability learning initiative
Educating the Educators across Europe and Beyond
University Educators for Sustainable Developmentwas a unique collaboration project from 2013-2016, funded by the European Commission, to develop the professional competence of university educators for sustainability.
UE4SD was led by the University of Gloucestershire and an expert group of 4 universities, with 53 partners in 33 countries, including 5 RCEs. The project tools can be used by people and groups in all areas of education and training both formal and informal:
Explore the UE4SD Online Toolkit for the project materials and films clips of the partnership experiences and results.
Download the UE4SD Leading Practice Publication to see the best examples from across Europe of tried and tested professional development and training activities.