Student action at Gloucestershire Climate Summit
Delegates from across the county came together in May to discuss the development of a new strategy for the county to tackle climate change.
The summit offered a variety of workshops, table discussions and feedback sessions, with keynote speeches and presentations from key local stakeholders. Contributors included the Centre for Sustainable Energy, Gloucestershire County Council, BEIS, Ridge and Partners LLP, Ecotricity, Severn Wye Energy Agency, Spirax Sarco, and students from the University of Gloucestershire.
Yolande Booyse from the University’s Green Team society and Dan Green from Stroud Youth Strike for Climate gave presentations on behalf of young people.
Drawing on focus group discussions with other students, Yolande said: “Businesses and organisations need to get more young people involved in decision making, model change and diversify communications platforms to tackle the climate crisis”.
Nikita, Molly, Nigel Moor and Yolande